I thought it would be fun to do a Flashback Friday post. Today’s post incorporates May 30th – August 30th 2015. Oh my, a lot can happen in one summer.
Flashback Friday 2015 – Summer Edition

In the summer of 2015, my Dad was still with us, I went to Kennebunkport for the first time and Nick graduated from UCLA! I had a blast at a UCLA sorority reunion and we went to a music festival called Outside Lands in Golden Gate Park in San Francisco. Craig and I filmed an infomercial for the Perfect Cooker in our very un-perfect kitchen in the fixer upper. We discovered new places to walk in our new neighborhood. We had a great time in New York City, discovering new places to go and we also discovered some great places to eat in Pasadena. And last but not least, we started the adventure of living in Seattle for “6 months” which turned into eight.