Exciting times at Adventures of Empty Nesters ~
Almost every day, I receive a request from a new blogger who is starting out or a company that would like to reach the Adventures of Empty Nesters audience. I spend a great deal of time answering the emails and doing my best to help without cutting in to my time for writing, sponsored posts, brand collaborations and TRAVEL!

Consulting with bloggers ~
Consulting with other bloggers has become a huge passion of mine and I have come to understand that after 3 ½ years of blogging experience, I have a lot to offer. I grew this blog readership person by person, reader by reader hoping to inform, inspire and connect. I love it. I really love it.
When our paths connect with others unexpectedly, it can enhance our lives immeasurably. How fun is it to watch someone’s dream become reality? How good does it feel to assist someone? To mentor someone?
The answer is fantastic! I just wanted to take this opportunity to share this newest adventure with you and hope you will share it with others.
I offer an introductory package that includes a one hour planning session along with a 30 minute follow up for $150.00 We can then meet (virtually) on an as needed basis.