New York City at Christmas is the best time of year to visit!
We make every attempt to continue a Christmas tradition of traveling to New York in December to soak up the sights and lights of this beautiful city during the holidays. I just wanted to check in to say hello and let you know you can follow along over on our Instagram ===> Here! And on our Facebook Page ==> Here!
Do you have special plans for the holidays? Check out our trip to NYC…
New York at Christmas is bigger than life.

The city is decked with colorful holiday decorations and gigantic lighted wreaths hang in almost every office building. The tree at Rockefeller Center is the biggest star of all, but just across the street, Saks Fifth Avenue puts on a light and music show that rivals our friends at Disneyland!

The streets are filled with tourists from around the world and this year the air is quite brisk with occasional snow flurries! The evening temps drop to the 30’s and during the day it stays in the 40’s. However I hear the rest of the week will be much colder!

The Rockette’s Christmas Show
What an experience! Radio City Music hall is enormous! Our friends managed to get some really awesome 6th row seats and we could see everything so closely. The precision of the dancing and choreography was impressive. The spirit of the holidays was palpable all through the ninety minute show. This is a fast moving, colorful, vibrant show that enthusiastically offers the audience a time to rejoice in the season. I loved it. All four of us loved it!

One of my favorite parts of the show is when the Rockettes dress as soldiers and march in symmetrical, stick-straight lines. At the very end of the dance number they topple over in slow motion and it is quite a phenomenal feat!
Yesterday I posted my photos on social media and so many friends shared how they have been going to the show since they were children and have fond memories of traveling to New York City to see it. This Christmas Show began in 1933 and it is still better than ever.
Christmas in the Empty Nest ~
What is the weather like where you are? It is a sunny 75 degrees in our home town of Pasadena, California. There is a lot going on with cookie baking, family visits, picture taking, candle-lighting, tree trimming and gift-wrapping and I feel so fortunate to have our kids coming home this year!
Our Empty Nest will be full on Christmas Day! How about yours?
I hope your days are Merry and Bright and I will return at the end of the week to report on more of our adventures. Until then, stay warm and hug someone you love!
Where are we off to next? You can keep up with our adventures by leaving your email in the sidebar to receive posts via email and you can connect with us on social media here ===> Follow us on Twitter, like us on Facebook, check out our photos on Instagram, or pins on Pinterest
I have never been to NYC at Christmas time. I think that is a crime! I keep saying I’m going to go…this year, I will enjoy it through you!
Yes, you must make a plan! It is so magical here this time of year!
what a grand way to start the holiday season!!
Laura, it sure is! Happy Holidays to you! <3
OMG, the Christmas show!!! Wish I was there to see this! 🙁