How life is different now in the Empty Nest


If I really had to stop and think about it, life here at home “in the Empty Nest” is very different from when two busy kids were living here. Some of the changes are permanent and some of them just come and go. When the kids lived here we motored along at a fairly normal speed. What we have come to understand now,is there is no such thing as normal. I am good with not normal.

Here are just a few examples of how life is different now in the Empty Nest.

1. No more making dinner if I don’t want to.

2. No more driving a ridiculous number of trips every day.

3. No more unbelievably messy bathrooms.

4. No more orange dust in the laundry from the baseball field.

5. No more kids arguing.

Now the flip side…

1. No more groups of boys hanging out and making me laugh and loving my chocolate chip cookies.

2. No more watching my son pitch.

3. No more daily banter in the kitchen with my daughter.

4. No more family playing pool with the music blasting.

5. No more dances to buy dresses and tuxes and taking group photos at the beach.



These lists could go on and on however, I only chose ten for this post. Of course some of these situations still occur when they come home to visit or at the holidays. So they are not necessarily gone forever. But what I am referring to is just a few of the daily, typical events that are not happening any more. I hope my observations help to trigger some of your memories or for you “almost Empty Nesters” a little food for thought for what is about to happen.

When the kids are gone what will you miss? What does your list look like?

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11 thoughts on “How life is different now in the Empty Nest”

  1. We are currently semi-revolving-empty nesters with a son who now has his own place and a daughter now back at home trying to figure out her life after college. I would say my list is very similar with ‘not having to make dinner’ one of the most difficult yet enjoyable changes around here!

    • It’s funny that you mention making dinner. It is not that we don’t like to do it, but how liberating is it that we don’t actually have to feed our kids if we don’t want to! My husband is pretty easy, I am lucky like that. Also, I am hearing from several Empty Nesters about their “revolving door”. Pretty normal. Thank you for stopping by!

  2. Suzanne, I am finding you from the SITS bloggers and I see you are from Laguna Niguel. My oldest was born there in the hospital 22 years ago 🙂 I loved living in the area and am now in the wine country Sonoma, CA. We have one gone already and two still at home. I love your lists and can totally relate 🙂

    • That’s super cool we have the Laguna Niguel connection. Although I live in a beautiful place Sonoma is amazing! The countryside is so inspiring! Thank you for stopping by!

  3. Here’s a different type of “top ten” list. The Christmas of Kat’s and Elena’s sophomore year in college they presented this list to Jon and me–beautifully framed and signed for each of us. It’s my favorite list ever and is on my desk of my home office (aka: computer room):
    “Top Ten Reasons Why We Love Coming Home
    1. Having parents we can talk to like friends.
    2. Movie nights, always debriefed at a delicious dinner afterward.
    3. Asking, “Can I have a hug?” and always getting one.
    4. The pet menagerie in the computer room.*
    5. Dad’s “jerky” driving and Mom’s college talk.
    6. Sushi at Hamayu, where even if we start out arguing we always leave laughing.
    7. Late-night TV and afternoon naps.
    8. Coffee with Mom, coffee with Dad (at Starbucks, of course).
    9. Breakfasting at the backyard table.
    10. Getting to tell all about our lives to the people who care the most about our lives.
    Love, Kat & Elena”

    *Sadly, Scoutie passed away a couple months later.

    • I LOVE THIS LIST! What a wonderful gift!I will share this with my kids – Lately Alex has been paying great attention to me and how I support her. I love when our kids notice a few of the thousands of things we do for them. Your girls grew up in a wonderful place… your home.Thank you so much for sharing this! It could have been a follow up blog post!

  4. I’m loving your wonderful blog. Congratulations! Thanks for allowing us–Jon and me–to participate. Do you know how many followers you have? Curious.

  5. I just had an idea. I’m going to post the link on my little Lighthouse College Admissions FB page too. Perfect audience although I’m low key with that FB page.


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