The Adventure Continues: Finding Joy Wherever We Can

finding joy

finding joy

Finding Joy in the Everyday.

Life as we have always known it is not the same, and we will never forget 2020. That is the understatement of the year, right? Most people want to forget 2020, but I refuse to do that, especially since our twin grandchildren, James & Josephine, were born this year! Something else is happening very soon and will bring our family great joy as well, but I am keeping it on the down-low for now. 

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Sage Advice for the New Empty Nester: Cheer up!

advice for the empty nester


Are you looking for advice for the new empty nester?

It is August and new empty nesters are now arriving at the most difficult of the empty nest hurdles. Navigating the college send off, dealing with the new freshman’s anxiety, the anticipation of the actual “goodbye” is a lot to deal with. Not to mention how you use your acting skills to pretend this is all for the best and you are “so excited” for their first year away at school.

Of course you are excited and proud of your 18 year old baby who has accomplished such amazing things! But the fact is, that adorable, perfectly delicious child of yours will not be walking back in to your house for a while and certainly NOT on a daily basis. This my friend is not an easy situation to handle. Some of you will breeze through this process and some will cry a little more than you want to. That was me.

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