New York: Dinner at Blue Hill at Stone Barns ~ An Extraordinary Culinary Adventure

Dinner at Blue Hill at Stone Barns
Jerry, Irene, Me and Craig in the Bakery of the restaurant

A Fairy Tale Dinner at Blue Hill at Stone Barns ~

How well do you know your food? Have you thought about where it comes from? How it is grown? How it is prepared?

Dinner at Blue Hill at Stone Barns, Pleasantville, NY

We traveled by train thirty miles outside New York City to enjoy the holiday season and to meet up with my good friend and fellow travel writer Irene Levine of Getting on Travel and her husband Jerry. Irene and Jerry live locally and have visited Blue Hill at Stone Barns on several occasions. The restaurant mood was calming and a lovely stone fireplace lit the path to our seats for a magical four hour meal.

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Outstanding in the Field – A farm to table dinner in a setting that gives you goosebumps!

farm to table

A farm to table dinner in a magical location ~

Location, location, location. This “restaurant without walls”, farm to table dinner feast was in Lillywaup, WA at the Hama Hama Oyster Farm. Just imagine dining on the west shore of the Hood Canal where the water was so close you worried the tides would rise too fast. It wasn’t scary, it was dreamy.

Although the was dinner was located in the state of Washington, notorious for rain and grey skies, we experienced none of that. Just bright blue sky and vivid green grasses and trees, with white puffy clouds sprinkled on top. Goosebump scenery. You know that other worldly feeling of discovering a new place that you can hardly put in to words how incredible that moment in time feels? This is how I felt and most likely everyone sitting at the one long table set for 150 food loving diners did as well.

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A Farm to Table Dinner in Big Sur With Outstanding in the Field

farm to table dinner


farm to table dinner
This is just a portion of the long, long table of happy diners at our farm to table dinner with Outstanding in the Field in Big Sur.


“We are Outstanding In The FieldSetting tables at the source of ingredients, serving from farm to table across the country.”

farm to table dinner
Last year’s Outstanding in the Field dinner in Santa Cruz.
Outstanding in the Field
The Santa Cruz dinner. You can’t even see the end of the table!


Last year we attended an Outstanding in the Field farm to table dinner on the beach, at the Secret Sea Cove, in Santa Cruz, at the longest dinner table you have ever seen. The sunset unexpectedly turned bright pink as we ate crab and avocado salad, drank buttery Chardonnay and talked with guests from around the world.

What is Outstanding in the Field?

Since 1999 we have set the long table at rural farms and urban gardens, on mountain tops and in sea caves, on islands and ranches. Occasionally the table is set indoors: a beautiful refurbished barn, a cool greenhouse or a stately museum. Wherever the location, the theme of each dinner is to honor the people whose good work brings nourishment to the table.”

farm to table dinner
A perfect afternoon in Big Sur with Nick and Kylie

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