Road Trip: Back to California

road trip

This morning we leave to drive back down to Pasadena for the last Road Trip. Craig, Rocco and I are packed to the gills with all of the crap we have collected in Seattle for 8 months. We sent 12 boxes back to So Cal and will be vagabonds for another month while our home …

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Photo Friday – More of The Road Trip to Seattle

photo Friday - Redwood Forest, CA
These Redwood trees are so enormous that it is extremely difficult to capture the size. However, we were so in awe that we kept snapping photos over and over.


Photo Friday is a great way to share additional favorite photos of the week. We have just arrived in Seattle, one of the most picturesque cities in the United States from a road trip we took from Pasadena, CA to Seattle, WA. Our route took us up the breathtaking Oregon Coast and there is no question of it’s photo worthiness!

Rocky coastlines, emerald water, towering sand dunes and grazing elk were just a few of the postcard views that we enjoyed. You can click here to read up on the adventure specifics of the trip. For now, I offer more of this Kodak moment that lasted for a thousand miles.

Have a great weekend.

photo Friday, Blueberry Pancakes smothered with butter and syrup
No post is complete without a photo of food. These buttery, Oregon blueberry pancakes were even better than they look

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