Everything in life can teach you something if you are willing to be observant.
Can you slow down a little to get more of the big picture?
Friday Inspiration ~
Just like the café diners, at times we need to sit and be still. Be patient, observe and drink in what is happening around us. I am guilty of running too fast and not taking a minute to breathe. Now that we are empty nesters, I need to realize that life doesn’t need to go at break-neck speed. We are allowed now to sip and savor what is happening right now at this very moment. I am not embarrassed to admit that I am a work in progress. This type of thinking may take time to incorporate in to each day.
Have you learned to slow down, to observe more and take in your surroundings? Do you find it easier to learn from your mistakes if you are paying attention? What have you missed while not being more mindful of the activities happening around you?
Living in the quiet of the empty nest has helped me to re-focus on what I want out of life and not to only focus upon what my kids need. It feels pretty good.
What can you observe today?
We are always looking for new adventures. Do you have a story to tell? Send me an email and share it with us. Click on Contact in the menu at the top.
Have a great weekend.
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