A New Year & Healthy Body for More Adventures!

healthy body

healthy body


Just a quick knee surgery update! Click here for the prior details. It has been one week since the surgery and all went well. I am on the road to recovery and the doctor explained that although he found the knee more damaged than it looked on the MRI, it was a successful surgery! I start physical therapy on Monday! My wonderful mom delivered meals on wheels for five days, my sweet husband was a saint & my kids were loving and thoughtful.

I received lovely texts, cards, flowers (thank you to my children) prayers, well wishes, FB messages and Instagram messages. Social media did its job perfectly! Thank you so much. I never felt alone, I always knew someone was sending me good thoughts and virtual hugs.

I did realize a few things I thought you might like to know…

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My amazing new adventure: An online radio show guest!

  Two weeks from today! Add one more adventure to the list… an online radio show guest! I am thrilled to be a guest on the Amazing Women of Power Talk 24.7 Radio Network with host Kim Acedo. Every Wednesday on her show Phenomenal 50’s, Kim focuses on how we can live our best and healthiest life! …

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How One Defining Moment Can Change Your Life!

September is a great time for a fresh start. Even though I don’t have kids at home now, September and Back to School has always signified “new beginnings” for me. Over the past three weeks, Kim Acedo, a virtual health and wellness coach, has been sharing her inspiring ideas about how we can reinvent our health. …

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Count Your Blessings – An Empty Nester’s unexpected health journey

Since creating Adventures of Empty Nesters, I have had the very good fortune of connecting with some extraordinary and talented people. They all possess huge hearts, inquisitive minds and adventurous spirits. I met the author of this post, Tam, through her fantastic travel blog, Travels with Tam. Her “adventures” and travels are out of this world! …

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