No Social Media on Vacation – Is it possible?


No Social Media on Vacation – Is this a problem?

If I don’t post any photos on Facebook or Instagram of my wonderful tropical vacation while we are there, did it really happen? Ha! Of course it did!

How often do you just put away the phone and abstain from checking Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, ESPN, CNN or other news apps? For an hour? How about a day? What about a week?

I can guarantee that if you are a social media participant on a regular basis, walking away for a week would be a challenge. For those of you who just check periodically, this post is probably not going to speak to you.


No Social Media on Vacation ~


Craig and I left for Kauai yesterday and I decided NOT to use social media for the entire time we are here. I will answer texts if the kids or our parents need us, but otherwise, no.

This decision does pose a fairly important problem for me as a travel blogger/writer. Being active on social media is part of my job, but we all need a vacation from our jobs sometime don’t we? Most of the destinations we visit are cities which require daily touring and activities. They are not the kind of places you would want to just sit. Too many things to see and do, so it is simple to share on social media while it’s happening!

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How Social Are You? An Intriguing Podcast Adventure

How Social Are You Podcast

How Social Are You Podcast


Are you a podcast listener? Are you part of the social media world? There is a brand-new exciting and intriguing podcast called How Social Are You?. This podcast is the brainchild of a long time friend of mine Mark Lindheimer. Mark is the COO of one of the largest and most influential Instagram based luxury lifestyle travel companies in the world.

On the podcast Mark examines how social media has impacted his life and business and then interviews others to find out how social media has affected them and their world.

We recorded a fun and informative interview which talks about how my life, Adventures of Empty Nesters and social media all interact. I believe that social media is here to stay and that we all need to create our own boundaries and allow it to enhance our lives and keep us connected.

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Let’s Talk Technology

Technology is like aging, you can try to out run it, but sooner or later you have to embrace it. Are we slaves to technology? Yes, I think many of us are and some of us won’t admit it either. I have a handful of friends who do not have Facebook accounts and don’t engage …

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