The Terrific Benefits of Seeking a Travel Blog for Advice

seeking a travel blog for advice

Seeking a Travel Blog for Advice

I think this subject may be divided into two camps; those that understand the value of a travel blogger and those that don’t. I of course fall into the former. Let’s discuss.


How can a travel blog help you?

Today, everyone really does their homework, whether it is for a major purchase, a minor purchase or to plan their next vacation. Vacations are expensive and often travelers may only take one trip per year or on a rare occasion and really don’t want to make a mistake.

Here’s where the travel blogger can help. Are you traveling in the Midwest? The South? On a European vacation? A river cruise? Somewhere fabulous and tropical? How about the Southwest? France? Are you planning a scuba diving excursion? I know a travel blogger that has been to and is an expert in each of those possible destinations. I could give you many more examples, but this will get you started. When you plan a trip, go to Google, and type the destination for where you want to go.

You can type for example: Best things to do in MauiWhat is the best time of year to visit Napa Valley? What should I do in Los Angeles? You get the idea. Google will offer up different websites and you are off to the races. (I have written a post about each of those topics). Most often Google will take you directly to the post, if not, when you get to the travel blog, use the SEARCH BOX and type in what you are looking for. Whether it is a city, state or country, if the blogger has been there, the post will pop up.

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We Made the List! ~ Top Baby Boomer Travel Blogs 2017

top baby boomer blog


top baby boomer blogs

We were honored to be named one of the Top Baby Boomer Travel Blogs! Thank you Southwest Discoveries!

Southwest Discoveries

Last year we were thrilled to be on their list for the Top Senior Adventurers. Southwest Discoveries offers unique itineraries, with expert guides for some fabulous tours of the Southwest. If you have a sense of adventure, want to break a little further away from your comfort zone and be enriched and awed by extraordinary places, these trips are designed for you.

Mitch Stevens, founder and lead guide from Southwest Discoveries shares,”In 2016 we decided to separate the wheat from the chaff and give you the absolute cream of the crop in our blog post entitled the Top Travel Blogs For Senior Adventures. In that post, we rounded up 50 Awesome Senior Adventures Travel Blogs that we felt you should be following. These blogs will transport you to fascinating and beautiful places and provide tools, tips, and techniques to help you get the most out of your travel.”

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