San Francisco: My Birthday Dinner at Frances

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My Birthday Dinner at Frances ~

Dinner at Frances was recommended to me quite a while ago when Craig and I attended an incredible wine dinner at Campton Place for Jordan Winery. Our tablemates were oenofiles and foodies with discerning tastes and strong opinions. I always like to ask these types of people where we should eat next. The soft-spoken and knowledgable gentleman sitting next to me said. “I eat at very special restaurants around the city at least four nights a week, many of them are quite fancy and expensive, but my favorite place to eat is Frances.”

This statement has been bobbing around in my brain for quite a while. Every time we have visited San Francisco, we have had another restaurant scheduled or it was a last-minute trip. Frances is not a “last minute” restaurant. It is more of a “you must plan in advance” reservation. They do save a few seats at the bar for walk ins, but otherwise a reserved seat is a necessity.

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Handcrafted Cocktails: A Bad Ass Bartending Class

handcrafted cocktails class
My daughter Alex and husband Craig gearing up for the class

Handcrafted cocktails – Yes please!

the Pantry handcrafted cocktails class
The adorable kitchen and classroom of The Pantry


The Pantry is a community kitchen in the charming Seattle neighborhood of Ballard and the cooking classes are popular as well as a red hot commodity. They offer a variety of classes that focus on traditional food crafts and technique, culinary camps for the kids, and other creative ideas that bring people together to eat great food and to learn.

The Pantry Classes fill up very quickly and a spot is not that easy to get, so when our foodie daughter ( asked if we wanted to reserve a spot for the Bad Ass Bartending class three months in the future, we said yes without hesitation.

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A Postcard Perfect Visit to Florence

Our very personal tour of Florence, Italy through the eyes of our son Nick. This particular trip to Florence was actually a personal tour given to us by our son Nick who was studying abroad. It was a perfect time for Craig and I to travel to Italy and just enjoy the glorious city from a local’s …

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San Francisco – A walking food tour of North Beach & Chinatown

Another food tour adventure? Why yes! Thank you! Just recently I took a fantastic tour by Chris Milano’s Foodie Adventures in San Francisco’s Mission District. The Mission, Latin Food Tour was so delicious and I loved it so much that on my next trip there I just had to take the North Beach and Chinatown Tour!  It is no surprise …

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Los Angeles Times “The Taste” – Another Culinary Adventure!

Delicious food + handcrafted cocktails + Hollywood = A Creative Culinary Adventure! Over the Labor Day Weekend, we enjoyed a special culinary adventure in Los Angeles. The Los Angeles Times event called The Taste, was held on the backlot of Paramount Pictures Studios in Hollywood, CA and was absolutely fabulous in EVERY way. Chefs, restaurants, food writers and …

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