Plan your next adventure! A Trip to Portugal Should Be On Your Travel Radar

trip to Portugal

Angela, my dear friend from college and avid traveler, has returned to the blog to share their luxurious adventure in Portugal. I didn’t know nearly enough about this incredible country, but now I know that a trip to Portugal must be at the top of my travel adventure list!

How does one describe Portugal? Glorious. Mysterious. Land of ancient explorers. A must-go destination.

Portugal had been on our travel radar for some time. Between reading about it on travel sites, seeing Porto featured on my favorite fashion blog, and one of our daughters having visited Lisbon when she was studying in Madrid years ago, that was enough to whet our appetites.

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 Adventures of Empty Nesters: A Year in Review – How Much Fun Did We Really Have?


2017 was a very busy and truly spectacular travel year!

So I decided to do a quick year in review, not to boast about how many places I have been, but to unpack, pause and appreciate what can be accomplished through thoughtful planning, careful research, great relationships, accumulated miles and points and the best dog sitter in the world!

I started the year with knee surgery on Jan 6th, so the pace of the travel was slow in the beginning, but it quickly picked up in early March. I may not have been fully recovered but we had adventures to take, people to see and places to go. There was no sitting around.

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Dreamy Day Trips in Mallorca – Local markets, cafes on the beach & turquoise water

day trips in Mallorca

It has only been a couple of months since we returned from the incomparable island of Mallorca Spain, but I can’t stop thinking about it! My photos barely come close to the beauty of this place.

Day trips in Mallorca ~

My memories of the seaside towns, colorful architecture, café tables and icy cold beer have stayed with me in such vivid detail! The quiet, sunny, relaxing atmosphere coupled with scenery like this is unlike anything we have ever experienced. I nearly swoon when I look at the photos from the trip. Check these out…

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Park Hyatt Mallorca – Our Pick for the Luxury Resort of the Year

 Park Hyatt Mallorca

A one of a kind resort – The Park Hyatt Mallorca ~

The travel year is barely halfway through and we can already pick the Park Hyatt Mallorca for the luxury resort of the year. It is five star and beyond amazing. When we decided to plan a relaxing retreat in Mallorca, we knew it would be special, but it was not only special it was probably our favorite hotel experience of all time.

Where on earth is Mallorca? Mallorca is the largest of Spain’s Balearic Islands in the Mediterranean. It is known for beach resorts, sheltered coves, limestone mountains and Roman and Moorish remains. It was just a forty minute plane ride from Barcelona and is truly the quintessential Mediterranean postcard. It’s gorgeous.

Park Hyatt Mallorca
Just like in a local village square, there is a fountain and a clock tower.

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What to See and Things to Do in Barcelona – A list of 10 must dos!

things to do in Barcelona
La Sagrada Familia


Glory is light, light gives joy & joy is the happiness of the spirit – Antoni Gaudí

Ten Terrific Things to do in Barcelona ~

The cosmopolitan city of Barcelona is one of my favorite (maybe even my most favorite) cities in the world! After returning from a spectacular trip to Spain, I wanted to share why I love it so much and to offer some suggestions for your next trip!

I think it is the allure of the Picasso Museum, the vibrancy of the people and a gorgeous dish of authentic seafood paella. It is also a glass of sangria, strolling the tree-lined streets and sitting in an outdoor cafe in the Gothic Quarter. On a larger scale, Barcelona his home to the architectural wonders created by Antoni Gaudí and it is a modern city with an interesting long history. The combination of old world and new gets me every time.

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A Perfect Day in Siena with Tuscan Women Cook

A perfect day in Siena
Piazza del Campo is the principal public space of the historic center of Siena, Tuscany, Italy and is regarded as one of Europe’s greatest medieval squares.

Every day is a perfect day in Siena ~

A perfect day in Siena
The spectacular clock tower or Torre del Mangia of Siena was built 1338-1348 and is located in the Piazza del Campo.

The title of this post is a bit misleading. It should read “every day is a perfect day in Siena and Tuscan Women Cook”! Ask any traveler fortunate enough to have visited this remarkable city and they will tell you it is their favorite.

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Tuscan Women Cook :: My Italian Cooking School Dream Adventure!

Tuscan Women Cook - an Italian cooking school
One of the stunning views from La Chiusa and Tuscan Women Cook in Montefollonico, Italy


Staying & eating & learning at La Chiusa with Tuscan Women Cook ~

When I sat down to write about my experience attending an Italian cooking school called Tuscan Women Cook, I honestly struggled with where to begin. There were so many incredible experiences, new friends, Italian hospitality and food and wine so good it could make you cry, which makes describing it all a challenge! We visited historic churches and cathedrals, family wineries, cheese and wine shops, local restaurants, walled medieval cities and managed to take a shopping trip or two!

Italian cooking school
La Chiusa – A dreamy destination
Italian cooking school
A rustic stone wall of rooms at La Chiusa where we spent the week.
Italian Cooking School
An unedited photo of a basket of golden zucchini blossoms on the colorful patio of La Chiusa!

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An Exciting Empty Nester Adventure in Europe

adventure in Europe

Our adventure in Europe ~

Hi Friends!

Tomorrow I take off for my adventure in Europe. If you recall, I was invited to attend Tuscan Women Cook, an Italian cooking school in the hills of Tuscany. Yes, it is a pinch me moment.


I am grateful and excited to be invited and I can’t wait to share it with all of you!

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